Keep Noblesville Beautiful (KNB) Participated in Paper Retriever’s Nationwide Paper Drive


April 13, 2011 - Keep Noblesville Beautiful (KNB) recycled 3.79 tons of paper during the month of March in celebration of Earth Day.  “We actually recycled 41.49 tons of paper in 2010, and we are off to a great start in 2011!” said Keep Noblesville Beautiful Chairperson – Dan Gaither.   “We encourage everyone in our community to bring the newspapers, magazines, catalogs, old mail, office and school papers to our green and yellow bin.”  This paper drive is aimed at encouraging community members to be good stewards of the environment while also supporting local non-profits by recycling through Paper Retriever bins.  Organizations that host Paper Retriever bins will receive an “Earth Day Bonus” based on the amount of paper recycled through their bins during the month of March.


The proceeds from the paper drive at Keep Noblesville Beautiful go to assist with their community beautification efforts.  The recycling effort is organized by our Board of Directors and KNB sponsored Paper Retriever bins are located in the parking lot of the Logan Street and Hazel Dell Parkway Kroger stores.


“Earth Day is a time for us to focus on the small things each of us can do to better our planet, “ said Sylvain Longval, Vice President of Recycling with Paper Retriever. “Paper Retriever gives people in the community an opportunity to do that and more. By simply recycling our paper, we can help non-profit organizations earn money while making a good environmental change as well.”